K-Drama Craze: Birth of a Beauty (Minimal spoiler alert!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

So in recent years, I really haven't been much in tune with K-dramas at all (even though I would have loved to), I managed to find myself completely hooked onto a new drama that's currently airing, "Birth of a Beauty". After coming across one of its trailers from a Facebook post, it immediately reminded me of the K-movie "200lbs Beauty" with Kim Ah Jung so I assumed the plot was similar except the drama version and decided to give it a shot.

At first glance, I had to instantly admit that all the stars in this show are unbelievably attractive. I absolutely adore the female protagonist Geum Ran/Sara (Han Ye Seul); not only was she incredibly gorgeous, her personality was absolutely adorable. Totally an HBB (heavenly blessed beauty), I'd totally kill to have her looks and personality, seriously!

Initially, I kind of assumed a lot of things since I thought the plot might have been really similar to 200lbs Beauty but I found myself confused pretty quick, but I'm so glad the plot went the way it did because it immediately had me hooked. From Geum Ran's death and Sara's birth, to all the revenge scheming and plot twists, to even Tae Hee's confusion with his feelings for the "ahjumma" (AJM). I've loved everything up to this point all so, so much as everything is so clever and cute.

Here's one of my favourite Tae Hee x Sara moments, I squealed like mad here..



OK honestly, I can't talk about it more without spoiling so I'll refrain myself. From the few episodes I've watched already, I can say that the show's been highly addicting all throughout and I definitely would recommend it to anyone who loves romantic comedies (with a hint of suspense). This was just too cute! *Swoon* I feel as if I'll probably update on this drama at least one more time in the future so keep a look out for it~

Lately addicted to purchasing small Ebay items. [I also met Nigri!]

Monday, November 03, 2014

Well, I guess it really started in the Summer where I purchased my first item off Ebay for a local Anime Convention, called "Anime Revolution" (AniRevo) where I.. embarrassingly purchased and dressed up as a maid. It was actually a pretty adorable maid outfit and was pretty cheap, even if it went hand-in-hand with its quality. I think I'll make another post sometime talking about my experience at AniRevo as I have quite a few photos to dump somewhere (hehe).  Meanwhile, here's a quick photo of myself in the maid dress along side with miss Star Fox Jessica Nigri (Fangirl Squeal).

Starfox Nigri and I

At the convention's vendor hall, I bought a lot of random little things such as the usual key chains, posters, button pins and jewelry all related to my favourite animes or video games.  Eventually, I bought some local artists' League of Legends posters, pins and whatnot. Here's my favourite purchase! Being the die hard Final Fantasy fan girl I am, I impulse bought Squall Lionheart's Griever pendant. Really, it couldn't be helped..

Squall Lionheart's Griever Pendant

After the convention, I guess I was interested in where some of the vendors got their merchandise from so I decided to Ebay stuff to satisfy my curiosity. To my surprise I managed to find a lot of things on Ebay that were at the vendor hall and luckily for me, I didn't get ripped off on anything I purchased. Although, it really provoked me to Ebay some other little rinky dinks for the first time and I suppose you can say that was the start of my addiction.

I can't seem to control myself when it's either a piece of jewelry or keychain relevant to my favourite games or anime so as a result, I've been hauling and hoarding these gems! Here are some auctions I've won off of Ebay (Notice how they're all tiny little things).

Card Captor Sakura's Star Clow Key Necklace

Final Fantasy X Necklace

Left: Ahri and Teemo LED Crystal Key Chains
Right: Nami Trident Key Chain

I'd say I'm probably at the earlier stages of my addictions, I hope I don't find myself buying gigantic figurines in the future or anything (although it's starting to sound like a better and better idea with each thought...) but the whole process is so fun as well! Having to go look for my ideal item on Ebay, getting to have bid wars, winning the bid, the anticipation of waiting for the parcel to arrive and finally actually getting to rip apart the package is totally satisfying. 

Most of these came from Hong Kong along with other places in China and I found that they often times did mix up addresses which was pretty frustrating at first but they're all usually really quick with responding to their emails so issues were resolved relatively quick and a lot of sellers offer compensation as well if anything ever happens to your parcel.

I can definitely see myself hauling more miscellaneous items off of Ebay in the future so expect some more posts like these if you enjoyed what I've shared here!